Students, postdocs and other personnel using the MONT facilities (MMF, ICAL, CBE, the TEM and Mass Spec) for projects utilizing nanotechnology or nanoscale science are required to register using this form. This registration form is used for billing purposes as well as to collect project and optional demographic information for MONT's required reporting to the National Science Foundation. This information is vital to continued funding of the facilities.

 denotes required fields.

User Information
Provide the name of institution or business you are working under.
If "other" for academic or professional title, please list above.
Choose what type of institution or company you are affiliated with.
Please choose which discipline best suits your reserach/project.
Please select which MONT facilities you anticiapte using. You may select more than one.
Do you use the MONT facilities in person or are you a remote user?
Project Information
Who are you working for?
What is the name of the project/grant you are working on? If you are using the facility for a course, please list course name and number.
If you know the project's index number, please list it.
MONT is supported by the National Science Foundation through the NNCI (National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure). Acknowledgement of this support is extremely important for continued funding of MONT shared-use facilities. Please acknowledge this grant in any publications, products, posters, etc, that benefit from the use of MONT facilities. Although MONT may not directly support your work, it supports facility personnel and instrumentation. NSF is counting every citation, and including the NSF grant number is critical. Acknowledgement information can be found on the MONT website:
Thank you.
I will acknowledge the NSF MONT grant in any publications/products that benefit from the use of the MONT facilities. Formal publications require a statement acknowledging MONT (and NSF) support. INCLUDING THE GRANT NUMBER IS CRITICAL.
Demographic Information
Under ADA, an individual is considered to have a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of his or her major life activities, has a record of such impairment, or is regarded as having such an impairment.
(Are you the first in your family to attend college?)
A rural area is defined as open countryside, a rural town of less than 2500 people or an urban area of 2500-49,999 people.