The Secret Life of DNA: A tale of DNA's many roles in Biofilm

Dr. Rikki Louise Meyer, Aarhus Univeristy, Denmark

November 12, 4:10pm via Webex

CBE & MONT Co-hosted seminar


Dr. Rikke Meyer is an associate professor at the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center at Aarhus University in Denmark. She leads a research group of students and post docs with backgrounds in microbiology, nanoscience, biophysics, engineering, dentistry, and medicine. Her current research involves understanding how bacteria interact with materials to form biofilms, how biofilms might be controlled – either by development of anti-adhesive materials, degradation of biofilms with matrix-targeting enzymes, or treatment with novel anti-persister antibiotics, targeted drug delivery, or prodrug therapy. Dr. Meyer engages in many collaborative projects and has worked with industry partners from the food, water, and medical sectors. Her talk will address a question of more fundamental nature, namely the role of DNA in biofilms.


This seminar is co-hosted by MSU's Montana Nanotechnology Facility (MONT)


Host and moderator: Phil Stewart

Platform: WebEx




Meeting number: 120 297 5553

Password: rlmeyer


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*Time is mountain time