Making things at the nanoscale in called nano fabrication. To make nanoscale devices, we need a special laboratory with specialized equipment called a cleanroom. Think of a cleanroom as a machine shop for building very tiny things.

A cleanroom is a controlled environment that has a low level of pollutants such as dust, airborne microbes, aerosol particles, and chemical vapors. What is made in a cleanroom? Many specialized devices, as well as items we use every day are made in a cleanroom. Everyday items include semiconductors for your computer and phone, lenses for smartphones and cameras, components for medical devices and much more are made in cleanrooms.


Watch these videos to understand the cleanroom, nanofabraction, and the processes involved in making the technologies that run modern life.

Introduction to nanofabrication


What is a cleanroom and how do you use it?


Intro to cleanroom KY Multiscale


Advanced Cleanrooms

This video shows a high-tech cleanroom in Germany.


All About Transistors

Learn about transistors and how they changed the world. Transistors are an important part of the cleanroom 


How semiconductor technology is made 


Cleanroom Processes

These videos are about different cleanroom processes. If you’re curious and would like to go into greater detail about cleanroom processes, check out these videos, made by our NNCI colleagues at Duke University.




Electron beam lithography



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