Mass Spectrometry Facility Program
The Proteomics, Metabolomics, and Mass Spectrometry Facility offers state-of-the-artmass spectrometryinstrumentation and methods to the Montana State community. Mass spectrometry is an analytical techniquethat measures the mass-to-chargeratio (m/z) of molecules present in a sample.
Mass spectrometers can beused to identify unknown compounds by determining their exact molecular weight, to quantify knowncompounds in a sample, and to determine structural properties of the molecules by tandem mass spectrometry.Applications of mass spectrometry for “weighing” molecules is broad, and includes forensics, human health anddisease, environmental sciences, and biochemistry.Students will learn modern mass spectrometry techniques, with hands-ontraining in ionization methods, massspectrometer operation, and data analysis. Students will collaborate with facility staff to choose a researchproject that utilizes facility instrumentation. Prerequisites: General Chemistry.
Contact Don Smithfor more information.